This cooling water bottle of stainless steel comes in many different colors.
I love that it will keep the liquid chilled for 24 hours, which makes it handy to take with you everywhere. You should keep one at your night stand for when you wake up and feel thirsty.
When you’re on the carnivore diet, it’s important that you drink a lot. But if you have to get up and go to the refrigerator first, you may be tempted to just stay thirsty.
This one can be used at the gym, too, or in your car. And it’s completely free of plastic. It has a life-time warranty.
Honestly, I truly love the look of those thermos. They come in a whole rainbow of colors, gradient colors. Plus I loge the design and the big opening that makes it easy to keep it clean.
If you don’t like to drink directly out of a bottle, then you’ll love this cool sapphire blue thermos mug.
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