Carnivore Joy
Carnivore Joy

Breaking the Carnivore Diet – What Happened?

When something works… why would you ruin it? Well… A couple of weeks ago, I was breaking the carnivore diet—on purpose!

Back in April this year (2021), when I discovered this wonderful diet, we threw out almost all “forbidden” food like spices, vegetables, flour, and sugar.

We kept a few things that we had just bought before the diet. Like 5 liter vegetable oil, 1 liter olive oil, ground pepper… which we used up fast.

It was simply too painful to just throw it out right after we’d spent money buying it. And we figured that those things wouldn’t harm us that much. (We were definitely wrong about the vegetable oil, ouch. That one alone set me back for several weeks where I could have dropped a lot more weight.)

But we also kept unopened bags of falafel, dried white beans, and cooked fava beans which we didn’t use back then. We saved it—at least for a while. Then we would decide later.

Chickpea falafel balls on a wooden desk with vegetables

So as you can tell, nothing really unhealthy. In fact, it was stuff that most people consider healthy and lean food, which would be good to eat, whether you had to lose weight or just stay healthy.

We’ll see about that…

Food Can Get Too Old

Eight months passed, and we had to make a decision: Eat the stuff? or throw it out?

We decided to eat it…

So what were the consequences? Let me tell you.

First, I heated up the falafel in the oven and we ate those two mornings in a row with fried eggs. Nothing special happened. At least, I don’t think so, because right after…

… my husband cooked chili con carne. We had it for dinner Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Three days.

Chili Con Carne in a red ceramic pot.

I won’t lie to you… it tasted SUPER well. The ground meat, the sauce, the chili… I think I had three servings that first evening. And still, I didn’t feel as full as usual after a meal.

It was good, though.

When I stepped upon the scale Saturday morning, it showed me 500 grams more than the day before. That’s 1.1 lbs.

You know what? Same thing happened Sunday and Monday morning. Yes, I gained 1.5 kg/ 3.3 lbs over three days.

That wasn’t all…

The pain! I had forgotten about that. When I got up Monday morning, my hip hurt so much that I understood why some people would get a new hip. It hurt for hours.

I’d completely forgotten about all the back pain and joint pain I suffered from pre-carnivore. This was a drastic reminder.

It took an extra week to get my scale to say the same as before the chili con carne.

The interesting thing is that we didn’t eat anything really criminal, like sugar, flour, or similar. No, it was simply tomatoes, chili pepper, onion, garlic, red beans, and red bell pepper. That’s all. Ingredients that people call “normal” and think are healthy.

If the price is pain and weight increase then I prefer abnormal healthy meat and carnivore produce.

Do You Face the Same Choice?

It’s funny because this isn’t different from deciding between eating after you feel full or throwing food away.

I guess we’re all raised by not wanting to throw food away. It’s a healthy principle. Throwing food away is a waste of resources and money.

But on the other hand, what is the alternative?

If you’re basing your decision to eat or not to eat on whether or not you have to throw food out… and not reason or hunger… then you’re treating yourself like a garbage can.

With that in mind, clearly, we made the wrong decisions in using up our vegetable oil and in making chili con carne.

It’s not worth it, and you get into the habit of treating yourself like a garbage can.


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  1. Mark says:

    I broke last night, had a couple of beers, some noodles and some BBQ pork chops.

    Omg, today I am feeling it. I’ve only been on carnivore a week and I’ve already become really intolerant of things I could put away in obscene quantities before and be fine.

    This diet is awesome

    • Britt Malka says:

      Yes, your body understands quickly what’s good for it and what isn’t.

      Carnivore-wise, pork chops should be fine, although many of us eat ruminants, so no pork. But many do. It’s the beer and noodles that are big no-nos. 😉

  2. Cindy says:

    Wow! This exactly what got me yesterday! I’m throwing everything out today! I’m so glad I found you website!

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